- called me only last month. 上个月刚通知我
- We tied the knot only last month . 我俩上月才结为夫妇的。
- The minister was ordained only last month. 这个部长是上个月才被任命。
- Although Fangfang got to Australia only last month, she had already adjusted to the new environment. 芳芳上个月才到达澳大利亚,已经很快适应了新的环境。
- Jason Creswell leaves behind a young daughter, who wrote him a heartrending letter only last month. 詹森.;克里斯维尔则留下一位年幼的女儿,就在上周她还给爸爸写了一封令人伤心的信。
- Only last month, she discoursed in congress that France relinquish archaic tradition in favor of American style work mode. 上个月,她还在议会里表示,法国现在应该放弃陈旧传统,采用美国式的工作观念。
- LaserDisc players never really caught on after being introduced in 1980, but Pioneer stopped shipping them only last month. 虽然LD在1980年发布一直未能真正流行起来,但先锋公司只是到上个月才不再生产LD。
- I don't know if this is a better world... now that no one calls me Davide anymore, now that everyone calls me only Mr.Veroli. 我不知道这是不是更好的世界,既然再没人叫我大卫,既然每个人都叫我维洛里先生。
- call me only if your cold gets worse. 只有你的感冒变严重了,再打电话给我。
- As her husband was just opposite, she slipped off her tunic to let him see her flimsy red silk bodice embroidered with mandarin ducks. She had made it only last month. 对面是男子汉。 她于是有意的在把衣服解换时,露出极风情的红绫胸褡。 胸褡上绣了“鸳鸯戏荷”,是上月自己亲手新做的。
- Only last month a convict in neighbouring Austria escaped from Graz prison by posting himself out in a large box that was supposed to contain lamppost parts. 不过在上个月,邻国奥地利一名囚犯也躲进一个原本用来装路灯柱零件的大箱子,把自己邮寄出去,顺利逃出格拉茨监狱。
- He repaid me only with ingratitude. 他给我的报答只是忘恩负义。
- He wrote me a letter last month. 他上月给我写来一封信。
- He had the temerity to call me a liar. 他竟胆敢说我撒谎。
- Just call me by my surname, cut out the Mr. 就叫我的姓吧,去掉先生二字。
- You may snigger.Yet with around half of this year's graduating class taking the pledge, Max Anderson, an MBA student himself, saw it as a triumph for a campaign that he launched only last month. 这些学生实际上并非言及“贪婪无益”,然而,哈佛商学院愈400名毕业生于6月3号宣誓说的差不多就是这回事。
- Please call me at six tomorrow morning. 请明晨6点把我叫醒。
- Only last month, the largest foreign takeover by a Chinese company was announced, with Sinopec's $7.2bn agreed bid for Addax Petroleum, an oil company active in west Africa and Iraqi Kurdistan. 就在上个月,中石化(Sinopec)宣布了中国企业迄今规模最大的海外收购:以72亿美元协议收购活跃于西非和伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区的加拿大Addax石油公司(AddaxPetroleum)。
- He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his. 只因为我的书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。
- Or was it at Carnegie Hall only last month, as I sat mesmerised by the music of Angel Lam, the dazzlingly gifted young Chinese composer who personifies the Orientalisation of classical music? 抑或就是上月在卡内基音乐厅(CarnegieHall)聆听才华横溢的中国青年作曲家林安淇(AngelLam)的作品时?她是古典音乐东方化的代表。